United we stand, divided we fall - L’Unite fait la force

Three weeks after the earthquake, the first emergency actions are still relevant. Especially in the most remote rural areas where state aid has still not arrived.

The logistical and organizational capacity of the local Haiti Futur team is appreciated by those who wish to provide concrete support but lack relays on the ground. That is why we are increasingly called upon to organise the distribution of food and health aid with the certainty that it is the families who need it most who will benefit from it.

Preparation of a distribution of food products financed by World Vision and Katie Flore Fils Aimé du Cap-Haïtien and organized by Haïti Futur, ORE and Levy Ice Cream. A voucher is given to each family and an appointment is set to pick up their package at a specific time. This avoids jostling and possible "diversions".

Vivens Rhuma and the entire RV Technology team (which has been working with Haiti Futur for about ten years) are building a temporary shelter in order to be able to restart activities. Part of the materials was offered thanks to the support of agronomist Renaud Thomas and the other part was able to be advanced thanks to the support of the company's employees.

The first lesson we draw from these first 3 weeks after the earthquake: the solidarity of all – individuals and organizations – compensates for the shortcomings of the State and reinforces our conviction that another Haiti is possible.


African Market Nov 13


Destroyed school buildings